• 040-27819777, 9848306302
  • info@apexplosives.com

AP EXCEL TLD – Trunk Line Delay

Description :

APEXCEL/APEX Dets TLDs are non-electric initiating devices used for surface initiation in blasts to provide necessary delay between the holes in rows and between the rows. APEXCEL/APEX Dets TLD consists of a shock tube with a delay detonator with a suitable bunch connector at one end and the other end is sealed. The bunch connector has the provision to hold six tubes for initiation. The bunch connectors are colour coded to indicate the delay timings.

Instantaneous Blue
17ms Yellow
25ms Red
42ms White
65ms Green
  • These aare used for surface balsting.
  • Use of detonating cord or cord relays is eliminated
  • The bunch connectors are user friendly and allow for easy on-site connection for the blast
  • They provide accurate delay per hole by improving muck file profile and thereby increase the fragmentation and overall blast performance.
Class 6
Division 3
Shell Material Aluminium
Strength No.8
Shell Diameter 7.2 +/-0.02 mm
Shell length 59 mm
Length of Shock tube 2m-50m or as per customer requirement
Packing material Fibreboard box
Quantity per box 250 nos/case or as per the tube length


Packing material Fibreboard box
Quantity per box 250 nos/case or as per the tube length
Class 6